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Shared Hosting
Domain names
Domain + E-mail
Dedicated Hosting
Managed Hosting
Our Network

Use the Domain check tool below to see if your desired domain is taken or still available.

Note: Enter each domain name on a separate line without the extension (i.e. without the '.com'). E.g.:


  Available Domain Extensions

In order to register a domain, please fill out the following forms and send by mail, fax or email.


  Include this form for every domain you register or transfer to Gigaweb B.V.


  This form is needed for every .nl domain your register or transfer to Gigaweb B.V. (additional to the above 'Domaincontract.pdf').
Transferform.pdf   This form is only needed with the above 2 forms when you transfer .nl domain from another provider to Gigaweb B.V.
Namechangeform.pdf   This form is only required if the owner of a .nl domain is changed (eg if you buy an existing domain name).
Cancelform.pdf   This form is only needed for .nl domains that you want to cancel, if you want to cancel another (non .nl) domain, you can do so by email.


Prices are excl. 21% VAT and per year.

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