In order to register a domain, please fill out the following forms and send by mail, fax or email.
Include this form for every domain you register or transfer to Gigaweb B.V. |
This form is needed for every .nl domain your register or transfer to Gigaweb B.V. (additional to the above 'Domaincontract.pdf'). |
Transferform.pdf |
This form is only needed with the above 2 forms when you transfer .nl domain from another provider to Gigaweb B.V. |
Namechangeform.pdf |
This form is only required if the owner of a .nl domain is changed (eg if you buy an existing domain name). |
Cancelform.pdf |
This form is only needed for .nl domains that you want to cancel, if you want to cancel another (non .nl) domain, you can do so by email. |
Prices are excl. 21% VAT and per year.