Mission | Vision | Strategy
It is our mission to provide affordable and meaningful ICT solutions in which people, lifestyles and quality of life will go ahead. Besides contributing to the economy and progress, Gigaweb B.V. will constantly be in the center of the society in which nature, energy efficienty an care play a major role.
Because people do not have to worry about ICT, they can focus on their specialities and make better developments and more progress.Gigaweb B.V. distincts itself from it's competitors through a personal approach taking more time and attention to customers. Entry opportunities are available to everyone and also in the growth will Gigaweb B.V. remain the solution provider, wether standard products or customized services. With Gigaweb B.V. You want to grow!
Rebrand the brand Gigaweb B.V. in which innovation and reliability of services as well as the company itself will excellence.
Standardization of support-services and standardization of volume-products where customization-services and consulting always remain an option.
The experience and technique of hosting products and our company is of such a high level that extending the customer base withing the european Union will bring new opportunities..
Maximum personal involvement and effort to achieve optimal results and associated revenue and profits to come.